Creating Miracles for Abused And Abandoned Dogs

At Journey Achieving Miracles Children's Center and we raise our orphan kids with vegan values of compassion for all living beings. The kids love to play with the rescue dogs at the Journey Achieving Miracles Earth Care & Animal Rescue.

Unexpected Puppies

We were planning on having Celestine spayed ASAP but soon after she arrived, she gave birth to 5 unexpected puppies. We had to scramble to get them all their first round of vaccinations but we need help with funding for their booster shots and spay/neuter when they are old enough so as to prevent future pregnancies.

Her loving guardian died.
We stepped up for her.

A lady in our community had a stroke and, unfortunately died, leaving her beloved dog behind with no one to care for her. We couldn't let her suffer her grief alone. We took her in. We named her Celestine. Little did we know that she was pregnant.

Please Support Our Mission:

Compassion for all living beings, providing love and care to abused dogs and unexpected puppies.

P.O. Box 258 Klisizo, Kyotera District, Uganda East Africa

Mark Hanifa 256-702-496111
For calls outside of Uganda, please call on WhatsApp. Call anytime! We will be happy to video chat and show you around the center.
